Gastric Sleeve

Tonyah’s Story*

Stacey’s Story*

Sharon’s Story*

Scott’s Story*

Ryan’s Story*

Kevin’s Story*

Harold’s Story*

Gretchen’s Story*

Chris’ Story*

Calvin & Claresia’s Story*

Tiffany’s Story*

Trina’s Story*

Michele’s Story*

Tim’s Story*

Brett & Sherry*

Zohar and Stephen*

Ashley’s Story*

“Life is so much better now! I have so much more energy. I am the best teacher I can be now. I am happy and I am healthy!”

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Sarah’s Story*

“Now life is amazing. I’m more active, my knees don’t hurt, and more opportunities are opening up for me. It really has been a transformation. I wouldn‘t change anything!”

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Ashley’s Story*

“I wanted to be there for my kids, I wanted to be there for my patients, I wanted to be there for my husband. If you can’t take care of yourself, you can’t take care of other people. And that’ my life’s work is taking care of other people.”

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Transformation Stories: Jennifer and John

“Life is AMAZING! I have so much more energy and when I wake up in the mornings my feet don’t hurt, or my body no longer aches. My A1C has lowered tremendously, and I am very close to no longer needing to take daily medicine! My only regret is not having the surgery sooner.”

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Transformation Stories: Tatum

“I went from a 15/16 to a size four in jeans and from a XXL to a small shirt. It has been an emotional rollercoaster of excitement. This tool is not one size fits all. Stick to the basics but listen to YOUR body!”

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Transformation Stories: Joe

“Life now is amazing! My energy levels have skyrocketed, and I feel more confident in myself and what I have to offer in this world!”

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Transformation Stories: Britney

“I went from a 15/16 to a size four in jeans and from a XXL to a small shirt. It has been an emotional rollercoaster of excitement. This tool is not one size fits all. Stick to the basics but listen to YOUR body!”

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Transformation Stories: Heather

“This is the BEST thing I could have done for myself! I feel AMAZING! I’m confident, I go places, I play with my kids and we do all kinds of fun things now. My feet and legs no longer hurt, my acid reflux and prediabetes is all gone. I feel like a new person! I would do it again a million times!”

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Transformation Stories: Rachel

“I’m healthier; I can move quicker and further than before; I’m in clothes that I haven’t seen in decades. I go to amusement parks; I wore a two piece to Vegas; no more seat belt extender on planes and just enjoy life. My disposition is much happier and noticeable by friends and family. Hands down this was the best decision ever.”

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Transformation Stories: Sarah

“The biggest change for Sarah is that she was able to have her own baby and is now the mother of a beautiful baby girl. “I’m very thankful that I had the surgery. My healing process went by very quickly and it’s just been amazing,” she says. “I have a baby girl, a loving husband and I’m on top of the world!”

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Transformation Stories: Amanda

“Since surgery my life has been way different. I am working out six days a week and have even started running! That was something I never would do before. I get told all the time how amazing I look and it just really makes me feel so good to hear those words from the people in my life. I am so grateful to Dr. Long and the Nicholson Clinic.”

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Transformation Stories: Chandria

“Not only has my journey been physical, but it has been emotional, in that I never realized how much I had neglected myself. Life now is fantabulous. I’m able to make better food choices and the highlight is being able to move and be active without pain. Seeing results is my motivation to keep pushing.”

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Transformation Stories: Tracy

“Everything is different physically. At 55, my knees don’t ache anymore, my lower back issues are gone, I have a ton more energy and I sleep like a well-fed baby! Emotionally I’m learning to love myself and learning to have fun with my friends and family and not have it center on food.”

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Transformation Stories: John

“Life now is completely different. I move much more easily, free of the little aches and pains. I walk three-to-five miles a day to keep myself going. My energy level is off the chart. I like looking at the “guy in the mirror.” He has done well and will keep doing well for himself and his family.”

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Transformation Stories: Mark

“I’m excited about all the activities I can do now. I can buy clothes in a regular store vs a big and tall only. I have confidence in my being. My family and friends can see it in my face and demeanor. I feel SO much better, not just medical but mentally. My cholesterol is normal and my blood pressure medicine has been cut in HALF.”

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Transformation Stories: Michael and Deborah

“Since surgery I can honestly say I feel amazing and am healthier than I have ever been in my whole life. When I started seeing significant weight loss, I not only physically started feeling better, but I mentally began to change and started seeing exercise as an investment in my health rather than a chore. Now I am no longer pre-diabetic and am no longer on blood pressure medication. For this first time in my life I feel like I have the tools and support I need to lose the weight and live the rest of my life in a healthy way.” ~Deborah

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Transformation Stories: Savannah

“My life is completely changed after surgery. I don’t have any more pain in my body. I don’t have anxiety or depression anymore. I’ve been told I smile and laugh more. I’ve been told I’m happier. I’ve been told I have so much more confidence than I have in my entire life and that it shows to others. I have been an inspiration to others in and out of the gym, something I never thought would happen. I’m so happy that I made the decision to save my life a year ago with the sleeve surgery with Dr. Roshek!”

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Transformation Stories: John

“I’m grateful for each of the 128 pounds I’ve lost so far and I’m excited about going down this pathway to a much healthier and happier life. I am getting rid of my 5XL clothing and moving towards being able to shop at “regular” stores for the first time in years. I am able to work out daily now. I am resuming tennis and playing basketball with our daughter as she prepares for middle-school tryouts.”

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Transformation Stories: Nathan

“Since surgery I can honestly say I feel amazing and am healthier than I have ever been in my whole life. When I started seeing significant weight loss, I not only physically started feeling better, but I mentally began to change and started seeing exercise as an investment in my health rather than a chore. Now I am no longer pre-diabetic and am no longer on blood pressure medication. For this first time in my life I feel like I have the tools and support I need to lose the weight and live the rest of my life in a healthy way.”

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Transformation Story: Stacy

“It’s the best decision I’ve ever made. This is nothing like the band. It’s amazing, normal and has given me my life back. I can eat normally, in smaller amounts. I can run, literally run a mile without stopping. I can shop at any store I want. I can walk into a room with confidence and run a meeting. Most importantly though, I love every single picture and memory with my son.”

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Transformation Story: Stacy

“Life is great! My back and knees are not so stressed out and I am amazed at how much better I feel physically. I can take the stairs, I can work all day, and not go home wiped out. I actually have energy for my family and my life. I wept when I could spend hours chasing after my three grandkids at Christmas and didn’t have to keep taking rest breaks. Mentally I feel like I have been equipped to take on the world. Nothing can stop me now!”

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Transformation Story: Ariel

“Life has been amazing! I’ve lost 105 pounds, my energy is through the roof, I feel great, I’m completely healthy, my weight and BMI are normal. I truly feel as if I bought my life and happiness back! I’m a mother of a 6-year old, and one more child on the way (through surrogacy). And I truly feel blessed that I can be here for my children, who deserve to have a happy, healthy mom.”

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Transformation Story: Mike

“Life is so much better now since surgery. I’m able to live a healthy, active life. I have lost a total or 131 pounds from my heaviest. From this I am no longer pre-diabetic. My glucose is perfect now. My cholesterol has continued to get better and I’m on the lowest dosage for my high blood pressure medication. I’m so much more confident in myself. I’m much healthier and happier. My end goal was to live a healthy life to have a life of memories with my husband.”

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Transformation Story: Jaimee

“The most amazing thing that I have gained in all of this is self-confidence. For the first time in my life, I am proud of me, inside and out. I love the life that is blooming all around me. My husband and I greet each day for the adventure that is a life without the burden of being overweight and unhealthy. We have even adopted a weekly date night where he joins me at the gym. He has also discovered that he is a rock star at cooking healthy.”

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Transformation Story: Laura

“I have come a long way and I still have a long way to go. But I’m stronger today than I was yesterday! And I’ll be stronger tomorrow than I am today.”

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Transformation Story: Kyleigh

“And now, at 178 pounds, having lost 100 already, I have a new lease on life. I’m happy, healthy, and strong. It can’t be stressed enough how appreciative I am to the clinic’s staff and my surgeon. They gave me the tools I needed to change and be successful. If you’re on the fence I have this advice: choose the Nicholson Clinic. It’s the best thing I ever did.”

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Randa Scudder: How Weight Loss Surgery Helped This Teacher Be Her Best

“It is honestly the best thing I have done for myself and my students. I still have more that I would like to lose but I am so thrilled with how far I have come. I am amazed at what I am able to do now. Just today alone I walked up 21 flights of stairs, walked over 4 miles at school, took a kickboxing class and then did two loads of laundry when I got home. I have more energy than I have ever had in my life. I am able to perform my job better than ever, but most importantly I know that now I have the stamina and energy to keep my students safe.”

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Tim Morgan: From Heart Attack to Marathon

“My life after surgery is like a new life. I can do things I never thought I could or would be able to do. My energy level is incredible, my health is great, I no longer have type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high triglycerides, sleep apnea, low testosterone… I am now the healthiest I have ever been. In addition, my self-confidence is so much better than before. I can walk without being out of breath. I can go in a store without having to lean on the cart so my legs and back don’t hurt.”

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Transformation Story: Chantel

“Here are some of my non-scale victories since WLS… I can comfortably cross my legs. I’m no longer wearing plus sizes (size 6 pants, size small/medium tops. My children are eating healthier foods (not perfect, but better), since my husband and I are too. I’m setting a good example for my kids in terms of being active and fitting exercise into my daily life (and I know for a fact that they’ve noticed because of the things that they say about it). I’m off blood pressure medication…Thank you, Dr. Nick!”

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Transformation – Misty’s Story

“This has been an exciting year and so many great things have happened. My husband and daughter had the surgery. Both of their health problems have become so much better or non-existent. I have a new grandbaby, whom I cherish so much. I can walk for hours with him, get on the floor and roll around and literally do the things I was scared I would never be able to do. So you ask would you do it again? Yes, in a heartbeat! I got my life and my future back.”

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* Results will vary.
Texas Bariatric Weight Loss Surgery Center | Dallas, Plano Clinic