Transformation Stories: Joe

Transformation Stories: Joe

Mar 15, 2022

Joe had gastric sleeve surgery with Dr. Nicholson in August 2020. Since surgery, he has lost more than 135 pounds! This is his story.

Life Before Surgery

Life before my surgery was actually very similar to my current life (outside of my diet). But, I was at a place in my life where I was struggling with medical issues due to my weight and I knew I needed to prioritize my physical well-being. While setting out to conquer my physical well being I found that this surgery had just as great of an impact on my mental health as well!

The Nicholson Clinic Experience

Pre-Op, the Nicholson Clinic staff was VERY informative! Dr. Nicholson really made sure I understood just exactly the hard work and dedication that it would take for this to be successful after my surgery.

Post-Op, he continued to be very encouraging and caring for me and my well-being

Life After Surgery

Life now is amazing! My energy levels have skyrocketed and I feel more confident in myself and what I have to offer in this world! I have lost 137lbs, going from 370lbs to 233lbs! Both physically and emotionally I feel amazing. I have more energy, more confidence and am ready to take on the world! I am so grateful to the Nicholson Clinic, not only for performing the surgery, but for the clear instructions and support I received from them. For me, the true difference in keeping the weight off is remembering the conversation I had with Dr. Nicholson before surgery and holding myself accountable to follow through with their instructions!

*​ Results will vary.
Texas Bariatric Weight Loss Surgery Center | Dallas, Plano Clinic