Transformation Stories: Amanda

Transformation Stories: Amanda

May 25, 2021

In July 2020, Amanda made the decision to take control of her health. She had gastric sleeve surgery with Dr. Long. Since surgery, Amanda is down 70 pounds! This is her story.

Life Before Surgery
“Before surgery I tried many ‘diets’ and workout plans. These would work temporarily but never a long term solution. I would lose a little weight and then it would come back. I was very unhappy with my size. I really hated shopping! I reached out to an old high school friend that had the surgery to get more information. Her results were amazing and she referred me to the Nicholson Clinic.

The Nicholson Clinic Experience
Everything from the time I scheduled my initial appointment has been smooth. I feel like they just talked me through the process from the beginning and I never felt pressured. The staff has been helpful when needed. Dr. Long always made me feel comfortable and listened to me and some doctors just don’t do that. I feel like the staff really wanted to help me and I wasn’t just another patient for them.

Life After Surgery
Since surgery my life has been way different. I have lost just over 70 pounds. I am working out six days a week and have even started running! That was something I never would do before. We even do a timed mile in my workout class and I can run a nine-minute mile. I get told all the time how amazing I look and it just really makes me feel so good to hear those words from the people in my life. I am so grateful to Dr. Long and the Nicholson Clinic.

*​ Results will vary.
Texas Bariatric Weight Loss Surgery Center | Dallas, Plano Clinic