Transformation Stories: Sarah

Transformation Stories: Sarah

Jun 23, 2021

After being diagnosed with PCOS and learning she would be unable to have a child of her own, Sarah underwent gastric sleeve surgery. A decision that changed her life in more ways than one. This is her story.

Life Before Surgery

“I was constantly sick, I would throw up every night and I was constantly hungry. I was diagnosed with PCOS and was informed that I was unable to have children. I was in constant pain and discomfort, it triggered self doubt within me.”

Sarah made the decision to contact Nicholson Clinic. After her consultation and tests, it was also determined that Sarah had a hiatal hernia that could be repaired at the same time as her gastric sleeve procedure. She had underwent surgery in 2016 with Dr. Roshek.

The Nicholson Clinic Experience

“Everyone was very friendly and proactive with me telling me they will take care of everything I just need to do my part. Within six months of having surgery, I was down 100 pounds and back to feeling myself.”

Life After Surgery

Following her procedure and weight loss, Sarah’s leg pain is gone. Her cycles were back to normal, and she finally started to live her life, even doing a little modeling! The biggest change for Sarah, however, is that she was able to have her own baby and is now the mother of a beautiful baby girl. “I’m very thankful that I had the surgery. My healing process went by very quickly and it’s just been amazing,” she says. “I have a baby girl, a loving husband and I’m on top of the world!”

*​ Results will vary.
Texas Bariatric Weight Loss Surgery Center | Dallas, Plano Clinic