Transformation Stories: Ilana

Transformation Stories: Ilana

Jan 26, 2021

Ilana has lost 105 pounds since having gastric bypass surgery and is just a few pounds from her goal weight. This is her story.

Life Before Surgery

“Before my surgery, I had no energy, walking more than a few steps was hard, my ankles would swell, my back and ankles hurt and I had bad heartburn. I was also on 2 blood pressure medications.

On July 15 2020, my life changed. I had gastric bypass surgery with Dr Nick. He gave me my life back.

The Nicholson Clinic Experience

“The staff and Dr. Nick are so easy to work with. During my initial office visit, Dr. Nick explained the surgery options I had and together we came to the decision that gastric bypass was the best option for me. He answered all my questions, explained the process of the surgery and what to expect after the surgery.

“The clinic has a person you can go to after the surgery that answers any questions you may have. When I hit a point that I was not losing weight, I met with Candace. When I left, I knew I could finish my journey.

Life After Surgery

“I have lost 103 pounds, I have energy, I am off my acid reflux and blood pressure medications. I don’t hide behind people to take pictures. I went from size 3x to medium. I love my healthy life. The most amazing thing is the way I see food. I don’t live to eat but I eat to live. Thank you Dr. Nick and staff for giving me my life back.”

*​ Results will vary.
Texas Bariatric Weight Loss Surgery Center | Dallas, Plano Clinic