
People who are overweight often feel exhausted most of the time. Weight loss surgery can help eliminate exhaustion caused by obesity. After weight loss surgery, you will have more energy allowing you to be more active, but you must make the conscious decision to move from a sedentary lifestyle and exhaustion to a more active lifestyle with exercise. Your healthy future is dependent on you making that choice.

There will be times when you won’t “feel” like exercising, but you must remember that exercise is not optional for a healthy life. To get maximum results, you must exercise daily, even when you don’t feel like it. In fact, even after you reach your goal weight, you will need to exercise daily for the rest of your life in order to maintain your results.

The great news is, once you start exercising, you will begin to enjoy it more and more. As you make the decision to exercise daily, it will become a healthy habit.

Stay safe in the North Texas heat with these simple hot weather exercise tips.

Extremely high temperatures are common in our part of the country from April through October. If you exercise outside, make sure you protect yourself from heatstroke, cramps and heat exhaustion with these common-sense rules can help prevent heat-related illnesses:

  • Consult your doctor before starting any exercise program.
  • Drink plenty of fluids before, during and after exercise.
  • Wear lightweight, light-colored, loose-fitting, moisture-wicking clothes.
  • Schedule your exercise for mornings or evenings to avoid the hottest parts of the day.
  • If you feel faint or lightheaded at any time during your exercise, STOP and REST. Find some shade and hydrate yourself.

In addition, here are more proven habits to make exercising in hot weather safer.

  • Work up to outdoor workouts. If you’re used to exercising indoors, start slowly to exercise out in the heat. Your body may take a few weeks or more to get used to the hotter temperatures. Then you can try gradually increasing the length of your outdoor activity.
  • Drink plenty of fluids. Help avoid dehydration by drinking plenty of water. And don’t wait until you’re thirsty. Drink water all day. You can even carry your water bottle with you on long walks outside.
  • Dress appropriately.  Avoid dark colors, which can absorb heat. Lightweight, loose-fitting clothes help perspiration evaporate and can keep you cooler. If possible, wear a light-colored, wide-brimmed hat.
  • Avoid midday and watch the temp. Exercise in the early morning or evening, when it’s likely to be cooler outdoors. If possible, exercise in shady areas. Consider a water workout in a pool. Pay attention to weather forecasts and heat alerts. Know how hot it’s expected to be while you’re outside exercising.
  • If it’s too hot, exercise inside! If the heat or humidity is just too high, stay indoors. Work out at the gym, walk laps inside the mall or climb stairs inside an air-conditioned building.
  • Wear sunscreen. Sunburn decreases your body’s ability to cool itself and increases the risk of harmful skin damage.
  • Understand your personal medical risks. Certain medical conditions or medications can increase your risk of a heat-related illness. As with any exercise plan, if you plan to exercise in the heat, talk to your doctor first.

Stay active, but stay safe during warmer months!