Transformation Stories

Transformation Story: Melissa

Aug 16, 2018

Inspired by her sister’s success and ready to improve her health, Melissa underwent gastric sleeve with Nicholson Clinic in June 2017. Since that time, she has lost more than 105 pounds and is just pounds from her goal weight. Melissa hasn’t only lost the weight she’s battled her entire adult life, she has regained her confidence, and it radiates from the inside out.

Here’s Melissa’s story in her words:

“I’ve struggled with my weight for my entire adult life, despite being very active and attending Weight Watchers. It was effective, however I was never able to reach my goal weight or maintain my weight loss. My sister underwent gastric sleeve surgery by the Nicholson Clinic in November 2015 and she lost 135 pounds in a year. I was struggling with multiple medical issues, and my physicians all blamed obesity. I underwent the gastric sleeve procedure in June 2017 and it was the best decision I have ever made! Insurance covered the procedure and the Nicholson Clinic supplied me with all of the tools that I needed to be successful. Many of my ailments have improved or disappeared and I feel twenty years younger. At age of 39, I am running and I have lost 105.7 pounds in just over a year. Dr. Nicholson only predicted a 70-pound weight loss from the surgery. I am only 9.7 pounds away from my goal weight. My self-esteem has improved tenfold. I will be forever grateful to the Nicholson Clinic for giving my sister and I our lives back!

At her one-year follow up appointment, Dr. Nicholson was so pleased with her success, he called her an “over-achiever.” And it’s easy to see why. She is a prime example of a life transformed when a patient takes the tools Nicholson Clinic provides and creates a new, healthy lifestyle. Not only is Melissa crushing her goals and loving her new life, she is inspiring others to take charge of their own health and wellness. She is dedicated to fitness, an avid runner (even an injury can’t keep her down!) and sharing workout motivation and inspiration with others on social media. (Follow Melissa on Instagram!)

Keep it up, Melissa, we are so proud of you!

Texas Bariatric Weight Loss Surgery Center | Dallas, Plano Clinic