Transformation Stories

Transformation – Misty’s Story

May 03, 2016

I sit here today thinking about how different the last year has been. April 20 was the one year anniversary of my weight loss surgery. Some may not think it is a big deal or that it was the easy way out. I have to say it was not easy at all.

There are many things that go into weight loss surgery. You have to learn to eat properly, psychiatric balance and learn to live again. The weight loss surgery is only a tool that helps those in need lose the weight. I had the sleeve surgery. It was a big decision and at first was met with a huge resistance from my husband. After we watched videos I explained why I wanted it and the benefits to the surgery it was a “go.”

For the couple weeks leading up to my pre-op diet I ate absolutely everything I wanted to. I have no other reason why as only I thought I would never eat again. That really is funny. Yes I went thru the detox of caffeine and junk food — that was so rough. The pre-op diet really gets your head in the right place. The first few days after surgery I asked myself why did I do this?

Yes it is painful but here’s the deal, you forget very quickly the pain. I have gone thru an emotional roller coaster at times. When you look in the mirror you can still see that “big” person you were at times. You can look at clothes and think or even say out loud my fat butt cannot fit into that only to find out they are actually too big. Yes, it has happened to me.

You learn to eat. It is no longer about clearing the huge plate of food in front of you. It is about measuring food, by that I mean a regular portion size, not a Texas portion size, eating on a saucer and eating to survive. Yes I do eat good food also, I love ice cream and I am not giving up my Mexican food — it is about moderation now. Today I look at food as a tool to live my life. I have learned what not to say to children and how to really teach them to eat properly and not overeat just because. It is about teaching them it is okay to not finish your plate of food, eat until you feel almost full. I have learned what my sleeve does not like, including white bread. The pain associated with white bread is a nightmare! Some can eat it, I am just one of the ones that cannot.

Why do I say all of this? This has been an exciting year and so many great things have happened. My husband and daughter had the surgery. Both of their health problems have become so much better or non-existent. I have a new grandbaby, whom I cherish so much. I can walk for hours with him, get on the floor and roll around and literally do the things I was scared I would never be able to do.

I have a couple coworkers and friends are scheduled for the surgery coming up and love that I can be a support for them. I had a goal and of course the doctor had another goal for me. But I hit mine a while ago, still need to lose 20 pounds to reach my doctor’s goal. All I wanted was to be a size 10. To some that is crazy and think why that size? That was the last size I truly remember being happy with myself. I surpassed that goal. I am now in a size 6/8.

I have been ashamed and embarrassed at times at what my weight was and where I am now. The day of my weight loss surgery anniversary I hit a total of 100 pounds lost! I am officially 147.6 pounds. I started this journey at 248 pounds and a size 20/22.

So you ask would you do it again? Yes, in a heartbeat! I got my life and my future back. Thank you Nicholson Clinic for all your support.

Texas Bariatric Weight Loss Surgery Center | Dallas, Plano Clinic