Healthy Tidbits

With You All The Way

Reaping a Harvest of Health

Sep 03, 2015

“Patience is necessary, and one cannot reap immediately where one has sown.”
– Soren Kierkegaard

The notion of a harvest is one that is especially applicable to those who are on the journey toward health, fitness, and wellness.

A farmer sows his field months before he is able to reap the harvest. Once the seeds are in the ground, the farmer diligently cares for his growing crop—weeds, insects, worms, and other pests may threaten the health of his crop. He must keep a careful eye on what is growing in his field. And then, he must wait.

In order to reap a bountiful harvest, the farmer must have much patience. Farming also requires perseverance—the ability to move forward through setbacks and obstacles.

Patience, perseverance, and diligence are all characteristics you must own if you want to succeed on your journey to health. Just as it takes time to become unhealthy through a lifestyle of physical inactivity and poor nutrition, it also takes time to reap the benefits of a lifestyle turned healthy.

There will be days when you do not see growth. You may not see a lower number on the scale than you did yesterday. Just as the farmer may not be able to look out his window and see new growth in his crops today, he keeps on, trusting that the time of harvest is just around the corner.

Stick with it. Diligently sow the seeds of health —nutrition and exercise. Take time to remove the weeds that may inhibit your growth. Be patient. Have perseverance. You will ​reap a harvest of wellness.

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