Transformation Stories

Transformation Story: Stacy

Jul 07, 2020

Congratulations, Stacy, on your One Year Surgery Anniversary!

Stacy, like many Nicholson Clinic patients, had struggled with her weight for years. The excess weight was affecting her health, her energy level and causing severe back and knee pain. She knew something had to change. Here’s her story and how she lost 114 pounds and counting.

Life Before Surgery

“I have been overweight for as long as I can remember. I remember my pediatrician telling my mom it was ‘just baby weight.’ My parents never made a big deal about my weight but did eventually send me to a weight loss camp. Very early on I learned about food and exercise but was never able to apply it consistently.  I have always been known as ‘pretty for a big girl.’ I was never really miserable about my size, I liked being thick but being thick did not like me.


“I have always had back issues, to the point of having injections in my spine and considering surgery. My doctor advised that while losing weight would not cure my issue it would reduce the damage. In September of 2018, I tore my medial meniscus and had to have surgery to repair it. My surgeon and physical therapist both advised that if I did not lose weight, they would be replacing my knees in five to seven years.


“I have two sons and three grand kids and a career where I manage 20 people every day. I was miserable not having the energy to keep up with my day to day life, much less family and work. Something had to change.”

The Nicholson Clinic Process – With You All The Way

In the first nine months after surgery, Stacy was down 100 pounds! At the one year mark, she has lost 114 pounds!

“From my first appointment at Nicholson Clinic, I felt supported. I knew that everyone had my best health in mind, mentally and physically. EVERYONE was so kind and took the time I needed to feel comfortable and understand every detail of the process. I had a consultation with several clinics and was blown away by my experience with Nicholson Clinic. They walked me through my surgery options in detail and a plan was set for my needs. My Nicholson Clinic insurance advocate helped with insurance, and we all know how difficult navigating that can be. Everything was packaged up in a fantastic folder for me to take home and review. But it didn’t stop there, support is available all the time. I know I can call, email, post in the support group, check archived documents, attend classes online and in person, and join support groups. The resources are almost limitless.

“Post-surgery, I thought, “well their part is over and now the rest is up to me” and that couldn’t be further from the truth. I still feel just as supported as when I first walked in the door. Every follow up visit is a celebration of how well I am doing and motivation to keep pushing. I have had very few concerns but every email, phone call, and request has been met with concern, urgency and reassurance.  I am so pleased with my entire experience with Nicholson Clinic and I could not have done this without everyone there.”

Life After Surgery

“Life is great! My back and knees are not so stressed out and I am amazed at how much better I feel physically.  I can take the stairs, I can work all day, and not go home wiped out. I actually have energy for my family and my life. I wept when I could spend hours chasing after my three grandkids at Christmas and didn’t have to keep taking rest breaks.

“Mentally I feel like I have been equipped to take on the world. I have enrolled in classes, reinvested in hobbies and put down the deposit for my 45th birthday trip! Greece here I come! No excuses! Nothing can stop me now! I am enjoying a whole new wardrobe and lifestyle thanks to the Nicholson Clinic and my hard work.

“My surgery was July 8, 2019 and on July 7, 2020, the day before my one year anniversary, I have officially lost 114 pounds! I still have work to do but I am just beginning, and I know I am not doing this alone.”