Bariatric Surgery

The Benefits of Weight Loss Surgery

Apr 08, 2022

Bariatric surgery is a life-changing procedure to help individuals suffering from obesity lose weight. For those interested in bariatric surgery, having weight loss surgery will help you lose the weight you desire. But the benefits do not stop there. All-around health is a factor!

Obesity can lead to a number of serious diseases and health complications. Bariatric surgery, combined with healthy nutrition and exercise can reduce the risk of developing these health issues for people who have unsuccessfully tried to lose weight.

The Benefits of having bariatric surgery:

  • Decreased risk of heart disease and stroke as cardiovascular health improves.  When you are carrying extra weight, you are putting extra pressure on the body – including the pressure to pump blood throughout the body. Fat blocks and hardens arteries, narrowing the passageway through which blood flows. This blood flow restriction causes high blood pressure. Even a small reduction in weight helps to reduce blood pressure. A lifestyle committed to healthy eating and regular exercise will help keep blood pressure in check.
  • Reduces social isolation and depression as self-image and mobility improve. As a practice, The Nicholson Clinic treats the entirety of obesity – the physical part of carrying so much weight as well as the emotional part of living a life of limitation. Obesity has an emotional price tag attached to it; so does weight loss surgery. We help our patients navigate the road to emotional – as well as physical – health.
  • Remission for type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is a weight-related health concern that develops when the body becomes insulin resistant. This means the body either does not produce enough insulin or the body does not properly use what insulin is produced.
  • Relieves joint pain, eliminating the excess weight that’s causing stress on the body. Reducing the amount of weight that our joints are supporting can reduce the symptoms of joint disease and in some cases eliminate the symptoms altogether.
  • Many individuals experience remission of sleep apnea. Research has shown that those who lose their excess weight are up to three times more likely to completely eliminate their sleep apnea; an act that can be literally lifesaving.

The consequences of morbid obesity can range from uncomfortable to catastrophic. Normal day-to-day activities – such as walking, driving, sleeping, and even breathing – are impacted. The longer an individual is obese, the more at risk they are of developing weight-related conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, GERD, joint disease, heart disease, fatty liver disease, sleep apnea, high cholesterol, and even cancer.

Schedule a consultation with one of the bariatric doctors at the Nicholson Clinic in Texas, ask questions, and see if bariatric surgery is the best option for you.

Texas Bariatric Weight Loss Surgery Center | Dallas, Plano Clinic