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4 Reasons to Consider Obesity Surgery Options

Aug 10, 2014

4 Reasons to Consider Obesity Surgery Options
Diet and exercise might work for some people, but others find the battle against obesity isn’t so easy to win. When it’s time to take control of weight and help improve health in the process, many consider obesity surgery. Dallas obesity surgery options, luckily, are extensive when seeking the solution for permanent weight loss.

Obesity Surgery: Options
Obesity surgery isn’t a one-size-fits-all proposition. A skilled surgeon should carefully review your case and work with you to determine if all possible alternatives have been exhausted. If they have, your surgeon will help you select the procedure that is most likely to provide you with the lasting benefits you seek. For some people, the best choice is minimally invasive Lap Band surgery. Others might find that gastric bypass or gastric sleeve procedures make more sense for a long-term weight loss victory.
Whatever surgical procedure is selected, it’s important to remember that surgery is serious business. Once gastric obesity surgeries are performed, the body’s ability to handle large amount of food intake goes away. You will have to learn to carefully monitor food intake while also making sure proper nutrients are consumed to maintain health.

Benefits to Consider
If obesity surgery options are indicated, this type of surgery can have a number of lasting benefits. They include:

  • A permanent weight loss solution – Most obesity procedures involve actually shrinking the stomach’s size. This promotes immediate and lasting weight loss by limiting the amount of calories that can be consumed and/or processed by the body.
  • Reduction of complications – Weight loss can have immediate impacts on such conditions as high blood pressure and diabetes. Once weight is lost and kept off, the likelihood of developing serious complications goes down dramatically.
  • Improved esteem – Obesity can also take its toll on self-esteem. Losing weight can improve the way you look while boosting your confidence in the process.
  • Increased energy – People who maintain a healthy weight tend to have more energy and stamina to go about their days.

Obesity surgery can have major benefits for those struggling with weight control. To find out if this option is right for you, consult with an experienced bariatric surgeon.

Texas Bariatric Weight Loss Surgery Center | Dallas, Plano Clinic